The Birthday Paradox

Suppose there’s a party of N people. How many people do you think it takes to find a pair of people who have the same birthdays?

Well, the answer isn’t what you expect, hence the title of this post: The Birthday Paradox.

You might guess that it would take quite a lot of people since there are so many different birthdays, 366 to be exact.

However, this isn’t true!

In fact, it only takes 23 people in a room for a 50% chance of two people having the same birthday!

Not good enough? Well if you have just 70 people, there’s a 99.9% chance of a matching birthday!

Not convinced? Let’s run some simulations with Python.

Prove it with Python

Assume we’re using Python 3:

import random

# 365 distinct birthdays including February 29th.
birthdays = 365

# Returns true if two people out of n_people have the same birthday.
def birthday(n_people):
    distinct_dates = set()
    for person in range(n_people):
        birthdate = random.randrange(birthdays + 1)
        if birthdate in distinct_dates:
            return True
    return False

def simulations(n_people, trials):
    successes = 0
    for trial in range(trials):
        if birthday(n_people):
            successes += 1
    return successes/trials

Pretty straightforward, one function, birthday() that determines if there’s a match given n_people. Another function simulations() that returns the probability of a match given n_people and the number of trials to run.

Let’s test it out!

>>> simulations(23, 10000)
>>> simulations(70, 10000)
>>> simulations(366, 10000)

Our simulations seems to give us the result we expected!

Notice that if we run the simulation with over 365 birthdays, we will always get a probability of 1. That’s because well, two people must have the same birthday if we take all possible birthdays + 1 random birthday.

This is known as the pigeonhole principle.

For more on probability, cool puzzles, and discrete math, check out this book:

It’s written by the famous Computer Scientist, Donald Knuth !