Python: Determine if a string has all unique characters

Given a string, return True if it has all unique characters. Return False otherwise

For example: raymond should return True, but French Fries should return False.

There are at least three different ways you can do this, but in this tutorial we’ll go over two ways.

  1. Using a dict (hash table)
  2. Sorting the string
Using a dict
  1. First we want to create a dictionary like this: mappings = {}
  2. Then we want to loop over the string and checking if the character is in mappings
  3. If it is, then we know that this string is NOT unique. We may return False. Otherwise, we can mark it as True and continue.
  4. When we’re done looping through the string and have not found any duplicate characters, simply return True.

Here is the code that implements the logic above.

def unique(string):
 mappings = {}
 for char in string:
  if char not in mappings:
   mappings[char] = True
   return False
 return True

This algorithm takes just O(n) time and space, where n is the number of characters in the string. This is because we loop over the string just once.

Sorting the string first

Here’s a cool way to solve this problem, although not as efficient as our first solution.

  1. We can sort the string first, calling by calling sorted(string) and storing it in a variable sorted_string
  2. Iterate over sorted_string and compare neighbors. If one character is the same as its neighbor, then we can return False right away.
  3. When we’re done iterating, we know that all characters are unique, so return True.

Here’s the code for that:

def unique_sort(string):
 sorted_string = sorted(string)
 for i, letter in enumerate(sorted_string[:-1]):
  if sorted_string[i+1] == letter:
   return False
 return True

We do sorted_string[:-1] because we want to iterate all but the last character. Python’s slicing features are very helpful.

This algorithm however, is bounded by the time it takes to sort the string, which is usually O(n*log(n)).

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For similar problems and even more practice, I highly recommend this book: Cracking The Coding Interview